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Recognizing  Skins Type & Treatments









Snapped Skin Bar offers products for all skin types and concerns. This guide is not to be used as a diagnosis for any skin condition, but to help you recognize your possible skin type. There are many internal health factors that determine the overall characteristics of one's skin. In this guide, we will only cover the main categories your skin may fall in. Please seek advice from a medical professional regarding severe skin inflammation and chronic health conditions.




What is a skin type? Simply put, there are several main categories that describe the characteristics and behavior of your skin. Skin types are normally hereditary, but improper skin care or environmental factors may change your skin's characteristics.



Dry skin


Dry skin characteristics may include cracking, flaking, tightness, redness and easily irritated. This is due to the sebaceous (oil) glands lacking appropriate sebum production. Sebum contents include esters, fatty acids, squalene and glycerol. These compounds naturally moisturize, promote collagen production, provides elasticity and aids in the overall strength of the skin barrier. In dry skin, a weak skin barrier may give way to allergens, irritants and transepidermal water loss (TEWL.. a.k.a lack of water in the skin cellar matrix). Dryness may become more severe in colder months or in colder climates due to the lack of humidity in the air.


Dry skin types benefit greatly from skincare products with a thick consistency, and rich in vitamins to supplement the lack of naturally produced sebum. Examples of appropriate skincare products include: oil cleansers/balms, toning serums, and thick emollient moisturizers. Key ingredients include ceramides, amino acids, vegetable oils, hyaluronic acid and niacinamide. Dry skin also benefits from the layering method, the process of properly applying multiple products in a specific order to ensure maximum absorption and moisture retention.


Now here is where things can get confusing. Many sufferers with oily skin experience tightness and irritation. This is not due to having a dry skin type, but from excessively stripping oil in hopes to clear acne/rid the greasy, "heavy" sensation. This will actually result in the over production of oil and inflamed acne. Refer to the oily skin section for more info.



Normal Skin


In normal skin, the sebaceous glands are able to regulate healthy levels of oil production without much external/topical treatment. Normal skin types are less likely to experience irritation, acne, inflammation of the skin, and have the ability to maintain healthy water retention. This skin type will have normal pore (gland) size and appear smooth in texture.


Mild foam washes, exfoliants and lightweight moisturizers work well with this skin type. Ingredients such as AHAs, HAs, are great because they will gently exfoliate and promote hydration. This skin type is generally low maintenance.





In untreated oily skin, the body continuously produces oil through the sebaceous glands (pores).The entire face will appear greasy, pores will appear large and congested with oil, dirt, hair and sweat. This is a breeding ground for bacteria to feed and grow in overwhelming numbers, resulting in regular and/or severe breakouts. One may believe that the only way to cure oily skin would be to completely strip away the oil with harsh soaps and astringent toners. This will actual cause uncomfortable tightness, sensitivity and cause the oil glands to produce even more sebum.


The proper way to treat this skin type is to thoroughly cleanse the skin without completely stripping oils, exfoliate away trapped buildup, and strengthen the skin barrier. Using the double cleanse method is highly recommended for treating oily skin. This done by pre-washing the face with an oil based cleanser, then following up with a gentle foaming wash. There is a misconception that oil should not be used on acne. This is far from true, as noncomedogenic oil based products have molecules tiny enough to penetrate the skin barrier and absorb into the skin, providing nutrients to heal and calm inflammation. After cleansing, it is important to tone and use an exfoliant. BHAs are excellent chemical exfoliants for acne, as they will control oil production and break the bonds between dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. This prevents the clogging of pores. The next recommended treatment would be applying a serum or face oil. As previously mentioned, the right oils will regulate sebum production. Lastly, a lightweight moisturizer will lock in the moisture without clogging the pores.






Just as the name suggests, it is a combination of any of the skin types mentioned above. The most common form is oily skin in the T-zone area of the face, and dry to normal skin on the other parts. It is easy to tell if you have combination skin, your chin and forehead may be oily and your pores on your cheeks are more noticeable. This is the most common skin type and can be the most challenging to treat. The combination skin type benefits from the double cleansing (see oily skin section for more details) method to ensure they are getting the proper skin nourishment on dryer areas while removing excess oil in oily areas without stripping the skin. Double toning is also beneficial. Using an exfoliating toner to remove skin cell buildup to prevent breakouts, then following up with a thicker toner to lessen the appearance of pores and prevent over drying that astringents may cause. Layering with non comedogenic oils will also help oily areas balance oil production. The key here is balance with this high maintenance skin type. Be sure to also use a lightweight moisturizer.



*Additional Characteristics

Further characteristics that may determine the overall behavior of your skin include: Mature, Sensitive and Acne. Understanding if your skin type falls into one of these subcategories will assist in determining the most appropriate ingredients to include in your regimen, as well ones to stay clear off.


Mature - Describing the skin of older individuals. As we age, our collagen and fatty acid production slows, and our skin thins, giving way to sensitive, crepey and wrinkly skin. Mature skin may also suffer more from UV exposure, further aging the skin. Dry skin is also a trait for those in this group due to lack of sebum production. This skin type will benefit from using thick, occlusive moisturizers, cleansing oils/balms, and products containing high concentrations of antioxidants. These products will prevent drying, provide essential nutrients to the skin barrier, slow the signs of aging, and effectively protect from sun damage and environment irritants.


Acne - Acne is actually rated on a number scale and has to be diagnosed by a medical doctor. In the skincare world, the term is widely used to describe skin more likely to suffer from whitehead irruptions or breakouts. Acne may also be caused by skin irritation/allergies characterized with sensitive skin, so it's vital to properly assess they root cause of your breakouts. Acne treatment generally can overlap sensitive skin and oily skin care. Please refer to both sections for more information on the recommended treatments.


Sensitive - Sensitive skin may appear in the form of pus filled acne, tiny raised bumps, redness, flaking or drying. Skin sensitivity may be hereditary or externally triggered from improper skin care. Some people experience a combination of hereditary and external sensitivity. Those with the dry skin type are more likely to have sensitive skin, as their skin layers are thinner and their skin barrier may not be strong enough to protect against irritation.


If you have sensitive skin, you may be allergic to ingredients in skincare products or objects that come in contact with your face. For example, it is possible to be allergic to synthetic hair or the detergent used to wash your bed sheets. Some areas of the body may be more sensitive than others, so it is quite possible to only have face sensitivity.


This skin type will benefit greatly from products rich in antioxidants and fatty acids. This combination will strengthen the skin barrier, plump up the skin, and protect the skin from external irritants. It will also be beneficial to only use clean skincare avoiding cheap products containing filler ingredients, parfum, sulfates, and synthetic dyes that will trigger immune reactions.

CONGRATS! You're a few steps closer to better skin!

Mature              Acne                    Dry                 Oily                  Sensitive     Combination


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